kneeling fisherman

kneeling fisherman

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Wrestling with God

Verse for the week: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” Psalm 127.1

Prayer for the week:  Blessed Lord, you speak to us through the Holy Scriptures. Keep your promise and pour out your Holy Spirit that as we hear, read, respect, learn and suffer your Word, His enduring benefits of faith and comfort may grasp and hold us in true life now and in eternity with you; through the same Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Bible reading for the day: Genesis 32.22-32  (Abraham and Sarah’s life under God’s sovereign call (Gen 12.1-3) is a mixture of faith and sin. Here now in Genesis 32, their grandson, Isaac’s son Jacob is alone and anxious on the eve of a reunion with his brother. Jacob wrestles with the Lord and comes away with the blessed limp of faith that marks God’s people.)

The same night he arose and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 23 He took them and sent them across the stream, and everything else that he had. 24 And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. 25 When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. 26 Then he said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 27 And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” 28 Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel,[f] for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” 29 Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him. 30 So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.” 31 The sun rose upon him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip. 32 Therefore to this day the people of Israel do not eat the sinew of the thigh that is on the hip socket, because he touched the socket of Jacob's hip on the sinew of the thigh.

Prayer (based on the T.R.I.P. method): Gracious and almighty Father, in my baptism into Christ you have promised to be for me… even when it appears to me that I strive against you. Thank you. As you will Lord, sanctify my wrestling with you… to the blessing of my family. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Hymn: follow this link to a beloved, classic hymn that gives further voice to today’s conversation with the Lord:

The First Commandment, with a Promise:

I am the Lord your God.

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20.2-3

What does this mean for us?

We are to fear, love, and trust God above anything else. (from The Small Catechism, by Martin Luther)

Benediction: I am the Lord your God and you shall be my people. Amen.


*This is now our congregation’s 99th year in the Word. In 2025, we are reading from Genesis to Revelation, with a few interludes along the way.

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